Año Referencia Tema Título
1988 CL050 06 Mordeduras y picaduras de animales.                                   (Protocolo terapeútico del Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital de    Santa Cruz y San Pablo)
1989 CL115 06 Open wound drainage versus wound excision in treating the modern assault rifle wound.
1990 CL026 06 Paper tape in the closure of abdominal wounds.
1990 CL051 06 Evolution of cagut ligatures:the endeavours and success of Joseph   Lister and William Macewen.
1990 CL071 06 Continous, 10-year wound infection surveillance.
1990 CL104 06 Skin replacement
1990 CL111 06 Interaction of penetrating missiles with tissues: some common misapprehensionsand implications for wound management.
1990 CL130 06 Aerobic and anaerobic bacteriology of wounds and cutaneous abscesses.
1991 CL155 06 Non-operative mangement of blunt liver injuries.
1991 CL159 06 Management of penetrating colon injuries.
1991 CL127 06 Gunshot wound of the abdomen: role of selective conservative management.
1991 CL158 06 Poisonus snakebite in central texas.
1991 CL198 06 Dynamic loading of surgical knots
1991 CL172 06 Prediction of injury caused by penetrating wounds to the abdomen, flank and back
1991 CL173 06 Evolution of the treatment of the injured colon in the 1980s
1991 CL174 06 A prospective study of incisional time, blood loss, pain and healing with carbon dioxide laser, scalpel and electrosurgery
1991 CL175 06 Iert wound dressing is not desirable
1991 CL263 06 Non-operative management of blunt liver injuries
1991 CL272 06 Bull horn injuries
1992 CL184 06 The surgical applications and implications of cultured human epidermis: A comprehensive revlew
1992 CL188 06 The Necessity and Efficiency of Wound Surveillance After Discharge
1992 CL189 06 Knotting technique and suture materials
1992 CL196 06 Is there a field for wound pharmacology?
1992 CL197 06 Scarless wound healing in the mammalian fetus
1992 CL199 06 A new double-turn one-hand knot
1992 CL202 06 Closure of laparotomy wounds: skin staples versus sutures
1992 CL229 06 A different tecnique of tying the surgeon´s knot
1994 CL231 06 Mechanical comparison of 10 suture materials before and after in vivo incubation.
1994 CL322 06 An alternative technique for tying the surgeon's knot
1994 CL278 06 Subcuticular wound closure: alternative method of securing the suture
1995 CL326 06 Locking a continuous running suture
1996 CL283 06 Wound closure with human keratinocytes cultured on a polyurethane derssing overlaid on a cultured human dermal replacement
1997 CL291 06 Selective nonoperatice management of gunshot wounds of the anterior abdomen
1997 CL292 06 Shotgun wounds in children not just accidents
1997 CL277 06 Knot-free subcuticular suture
2007 CL385 06

Consensus Statement Describes Dressings for Acute and Chronic Wound Management

2007 CL386 06 Consensus panel recomendations for chronic and acute wound dressings
2007 CL387 06 Dressings for acute and chronic wounds
2007 CL388 06 Vacuum wound closure
2012 CL405 06 Systematic review and meta‐analysis of wound dressings in the prevention of surgical‐site infections in surgical wounds healing by primary intention
2015 CL406 06 Evidence‐based decisions for local and systemic wound care