Año Referencia Tema Título
1988 CL054 07 El enfermo quemado en urgencias                                     (Protocolo terapeútico del Servicio de Urgencias del hospital de Santa Cruz y San Pablo)
1988 CL055 07 Surgical complications of thermal injury
1989 CL010 07 Local skin burn causes systemic (lung and kidney) endothelial cell  injury reflected by increased circulating and decreased tissue Factor VII-related antigen.
1989 CL058 07 Excision of the burn wound in patients with large burns.
1990 CL005 07 Cardiovascular and neurohumoral responses following burn injury.
1990 CL017 07 The effect of interleukin 1alfa on survival in a murine model of burn wound sepsis.
1990 CL023 07 Early burn excision attenuates the postburn lung and systemic response to endotoxin.
1990 CL052 07 Early burn wound excision significantly reduces blood loss
1990 CL053 07 Cultured epidermis for the coverage of massive burn wounds.
1990 CL056 07 Second-Degree  burn healing: the effect of occlusive dressings and acream
1990 CL057 07 A comparison of conservative versus early excision.
1990 CL112 07 Coverage of full-tickness burns with bilayered skin equivalents: A preliminary clinical trial.
1990 CL114 07 Incidence of mortality in boys and girls after severe thermal burns.
1990 CL122 07 The role of inhalation injury in burn trauma.
1990 CL123 07 Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on donor-site healing in severely burned children.
1990 CL133 07 Tromboembolic complications in thermaly injured patients.
1991 CL143 07 Thermal skin injury: effect of fluid therapy on the transcapillary colloid osmotic gradient.
1991 CL147 07 Topical application of honey in treatment of burns.
1991 CL148 07 Fungal burn wound infection.
1991 CL162 07 Immediate enteral feeding in burn patients is safe and effective.
1991 CL190 07 Effects of early tangencial excision and grafting on survival after burn injury
1992 CL195 07 Inhibition of leukocyte endothelial adherence following thermal injury
1993 CL217 07 Skin replacements: the biotechnological quest for optimal wound closure
1994 CL321 07 Recombinant human growth hromone accelerates wound healing in children witj large cutaneous burns
1994 CL274 07 Upper gastrointestinal tract ablation for patients  with excesive injury after ingestion of strong acid
1995 CL287 07 Wound management in burn centres in the United Kingdom
1996 CL267 07 Current concepts in the developtment of cultured skin replacements
1996 CL259 07 Burn edema reduction by methysergide is not due to control of regional vasodilation
1996 CL315 07 Cultured skin for massive burns: a prospective, controlled trial
1996 CL348 07 Current treatment of severely burned patients
1996 CL260 07 Neutrophil activation and tissue neutrophil sequestration in a rat model thermal injury
1996 CL266 07 Inmediate burn wound excision restores antibody synthesis to bacterial antigen
1999 CL370 07 Effects of early eschar excision en masse at one operation for prevention and treatment of organ dysfunction in severely burned patients
2000 CL366 07 Metaboic management of patients with severe burns
2011 CL390 07 Abdominal trauma in primary blast injury
2012 CL404 07 Erythropoietin in the prevention of experimental burn progression