Año Referencia Tema Título
1981 CL002 04 El colágeno
1985 CL013 04 Effects of supplemental pantothenic acid on wound healing: experimental study in rabbit (1-3).
1985 CL117 04 How does the local inflammatory response affect the wound healing process?
1986 CL012 04 Vitamin A and wound healing.
1988 CL011 04 Effect of enhanced macrophage function on early wound healing.
1988 CL014 04 Inflamatory reaction and blood flow in experimental wounds inoculated with staphylococcus aureus.
1988 CL016 04 Suppressor cell generation during normal wound healing.
1988 CL030 04 Tumor necrosis, cachexia, shock, and inflamation: a common mediator.
1989 CL015 04 Repopulation of guinea-pig skin by melanocytes during wound healing;a morphometric study.
1989 CL031 04 The effect of in vivo T helper and T suppressor lymphocyte depleption on wound healing.
1989 CL033 04 Characterization of wound cytokines in the sponge matrix model.
1989 CL037 04 The wound is a possible source of posttraumatic immunosuppresion
1989 CL038 04 Increased calcium levels alter cellular and molecular events in wound healing
1990 CL032 04 Epidermal growth factor and insulin act synergistically during diabetic healing.
1990 CL034 04 Tumor necrosis factor and wound healing
1990 CL035 04 Intracellular processing of epidermial growth factor by early wound healing cells
1990 CL036 04 Inhibition of wound repair by thymic hormones.
1990 CL119 04 Effect of electrocautery on wound healing in midline laparotomy incisions.
1991 CL131 04 Enhancement of the re-epitelialization with topical zinc oxide in porcine partial-thickness wounds.
1991 CL186 04 Skin wound closure in athymic mice with cultured human cells, biopolymers, and growth factors
1991 CL170 04 A prospective trial comparing biobrane, duoderm and xeroform for skin graft donor sites
1991 CL171 04 The wound healing curve as a practical teaching device
1991 CL178 04 Tissue oxigenation, anemai and perfusion in relation to wound healing in surgical patients
1992 CL181 04 Colonic anastomosis using the biofragmentable anastomotic ring and manual suture: a prospective, randomized study
1992 CL192 04 Effect of transforming growth factor beta and basic fibroblast growth factor on steroid impaired healing intestinal wounds
1992 CL193 04 Effects of Chronic Corticosteroids and Vitamin A on the healing of Intestinal Anastomoses
1992 CL194 04 Fibroblast Growth Factor Reverses the Bacterial Retardation of Wound Contraction
1992 CL205 04 Scarless Fetal Healing. Therapeutic Implications
1992 CL206 04 Changes in growth factor levels in human wound fluid
1992 CL211 04 Platelet-activating factor: improvements in wound healing by a chemotactic factor
1992 CL212 04 Immunologic associations of keloids
1992 CL168 04 Control of scarring in adult wounds by neutralising antibody to transforming growth factor beta
1993 CL224 04 Mechanistic Model of Wound Contraction
1993 CL227 04 Regulation of Collagen  Gene Expression in Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars
1993 CL230 04 Growth factors and wound healing: biochemical properties of growth factors and their receptors.
1993 CL233 04 Growth factors and wound healing: Part II. Role in normaland chronic wound healing.
1993 CL251 04 Tissu generation with growth factors
1994 CL320 04 Cells, matrix, growth factors, and the surgeon: the biology of scarless fetal wound repair
1994 CL077 04 Adult skin wounds in the fetal enviroment heal with scar formation
1994 CL180 04 The extracellular matrix of the fetal wound: hyaluronic acid controls lymphocyte adhesion
1994 CL249 04 Scarless human fetal skin repair is intrinsic to the fetal fibroblast and occur in the absence of an inflammatory response
1994 CL256 04 PDGF and TGF-a act synergisticallyto improve wound healing in the genetically diabetic mouse
1994 CL258 04 The influence of early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy on human wound healing
1995 CL241 04 An adult-fetal interface heals without scasr formation in sheep
1995 CL179 04 Prevention of tissue injury and postsurgical adhesions by precoating tissues with hyaluronic acid solutions
1995 CL234 04 Effect of Growth Factors on Cell Proliferation and Epithelialization in Human Skin
1995 CL235 04 Exogenous Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Amplifies Its Own Expression and Induces Scar Formation in a Model of Human Fetal Skin Repair
1995 CL252 04 The enhancement in wound healing by transforming growth factor-b1 depends on the topical delivery system
1995 CL253 04 Platelet-derived growth factor and wound contraction in the rat
1996 CL295 04 Keratinocyte growth factor induces granulation tissue in ischemic dermal wounds: importance of epithelial mesenchimal cell interactions
1996 CL316 04 Can the wound healing process be improved by vitamin supplementation?
1996 CL254 04 The perforated mesentery of the rat: a novel model for the study of genuine connective tissue contraction
1996 CL261 04 Increased proliferation in keloid fibroblasts wounded in vitro
1996 CL265 04 Control of hypertrophic scar growth using antibody-targeted photolysis
1996 CL268 04 Nitric oxide regulates wound healing
1997 CL299 04 Wound tissue oxygen tension predicts the risk of wound infection in surgical patients
1997 CL300 04 Wound hypoxia and acidosis limit neutrophil bacterial killing mechanisms
1997 CL304 04 Factors affecting hypertrophic scar development in median swternotomy incisions for congenital cardiac surgery
1997 CL318 04 Inhibition of wound contraction with locally injected lathyrogenic drugs
1998 CL357 04 Transforming growth factor betas and their receptors in human liver cirrhosis
1999 CL349 04 TGF-B2 Activates Proliferative Scar Fibroblasts
1999 CL350 04 Angiogenesis Inhibitor TNP-470 Inhibits Murine Cutaneous Wound Healing
1999 CL354 04 Vanadate and the absence of myofibroblasts in wound contraction
1999 CL355 04 Acceleration of wound healing with topically
1999 CL356 04 Growth factors and gene expression in cultured rat hepatocytes
1999 CL358 04 Fibroblast Response to Hypoxia: The Relationship between Angiogenesis and Matrix Regulation
2000 CL365 04 Wound healing associated with severe surgical illness
2001 CL373 04 Role of CD18-dependent neutrophil recruitment in skin and intestinal wound healing
98 CL352 04 Hepatocyte Growth Factor Stimulates Fetal Gastric Epithelial Cell Growth in Vitro
2011 CL391 04 Pathogenesis of postoperative adhesion formation
98 CL352 04 Hepatocyte Growth Factor Stimulates Fetal Gastric Epithelial Cell Growth in Vitro
2015 CL398 04

Comparison of experimentally-induced wounds in rabbits treated with different sources of platelet-rich plasma