Año Referencia Tema Título
2007 CL384 18 Influencia de la dieta y los estilos de vida en el ca. colo-rectal
2007 CL383 18 Dieta y cáncer de colon
1987 CL093 18 Potential impact of immunobiotechonology on cancer therapy.
1988 CL092 18 The clinical usefulness and limitations of tumor markers.
1989 CL087 18 Recessive mutations and chromosome deletions leading to cancer.
1989 CL088 18 The emerging genetics of cancer
1989 CL090 18 Growth factors, oncogenes and the autocrine hypothesis.
1990 CL004 18 Molecules, cancer and the surgeon.
1990 CL006 18 Molecules, cancer, and the surgeon.(Editorial)
1990 CL008 18 Association of human papillomavirus and colon neoplasms.
1990 CL086 18 Cancer invasion and metastases
1990 CL089 18 The genetic bases of cancer.
1990 CL091 18 Metabolic effects of cancer;
1990 CL128 18 Detection of primary colorectal cancer with indium 111 monoclonal antibody B72.3.
1990 CL134 18 Assessment of tumor cell kinetics by monoclonal antibody.
1990 CL135 18 Surgical strategy for early gastric cancer.
1990 CL136 18 Epidermial growth factor receptor expression in colorectal cancer.
1991 CL132 18 Progress in cancer.
1991 CL150 18 An Approach to the reduction of the most common western cancers.
1991 CL177 18 Immunotherapy for cancer
1992 CL201 18 Molecular Mechanisms of Tumor Formation
1992 CL203 18 Cytokines in tumour therapy
1992 CL207 18 Metastasectomy
1993 CL219 18 Adoptive cellular therapy of malignancy
1993 CL232 18 Immunotoxins and recombinant toxins in the treatment of solid carcinomas
1993 CL238 18 The develpment of gene therapy for the treatment of cancer
1993 CL246 18 Gene transfer therapy in cancer
1994 CL273 18 Experimental gene therapy of human colon cancer
1995 CL264 18 Oncogenes humanos y terapia genética
1995 CL323 18 Tumor angiogenesis: the future is now
1996 CL255 18 Mechanism of tumor early anorexia
1996 CL269 18 A novel tumor-derived mediator that sensitizes cytokine-resistant tumors to tumor necrosis factor
1996 CL270 18 The new era in breast cancer: invasion, size, and nodal involvement  dramatically decreasing as a result of mammographic screening
1997 CL280 18 Basic principles in surgical oncology
1997 CL307 18 Adeniviral thymidine kinase prodrug gene therapy inhibits sarcoma growth in vivo
1997 CL317 18 Advances in molecular genetics
1997 CL341 18 Prognostic factors in gastric cancer
1998 CL327 18 Survival following pancreatic carcinoma: follow up study of all cases recorded in Mälmo, Sweeden, 1977-1991.
1998 CL331 18 Significance of angiogenesis in cancer therapy
1998 CL332 18 Overexpression of p53 predicts shorter survival in diffuse type gastric cancer
1998 CL333 18 The p53 tumour  suppressor gene
1998 CL334 18 Laparotomy and laparoscopy differentially accelerate experimental flank tumour growth
1998 CL339 18 Genetic predisposition to breast cancer
1998 CL342 18 Colorectal cancer vaccines
1999 CL330 18 Contribution of diet, tumour volume and patien-related factors to weight loss in patients with colorectal liver metastases.
1999 CL336 18 Assessment of potential donors for living related liver transplantation
1999 CL337 18 Treatment of colorectal liver metastases
1999 CL361 18 Targeting angiogenic pathways involving tumor-stromal interaction to treat advanced human prostate
1999 CL362 18 Surgical implications of therapeutic angiogenesis
2000 CL353 18 Cirugía rehabilitadora en enfermos oncológicos
2001 CL374 18 Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into selected liver segments using a vascular exclusión technique
94 CL244 18 Review paper: motility factors in cancer invasion and metastasis
96 CL245 18 Alteraciones genéticas en el cáncer de páncreas exocrino