Año Referencia Tema Título
1988 CL082 16 Shock Septico
1989 CL074 16 Tumour necrosis factor and bacterial sepsis.
1989 CL075 16 The septic syndrome: Definitions and clinical implications.
1989 CL078 16 Acute lung injury in septic shock.
1990 CL076 16 Microbial infection and the septic response in critical surgical    illness.
1990 CL080 16 Non-antibiotic managenent of the patient with sepsis.
1991 CL141 16 Enhancement of hepatic macrophages in septic rats and their inhibitory effect on hepatocyte function.
1999 CL371 16 Sepsis. Lessons learned in the last century and future directions
2004 CL389 16

Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock

2013 CL401 16 Surgical sepsis